COVID-19 Mask Update
Intaglio Salon Mask Update
As always, we follow state guidelines and recommendations with respect to COVID-19. As
of March 12, 2022, statewide mask requirements transitioned to mask recommendations for many Washington state indoor settings. The Intaglio Salon will follow the Washington State Department of Health recommendations and will not require masks.
Even though masks are no longer required, we understand that individuals may want to continue to wear a mask for added protection. If you feel more comfortable having your
stylist wear a mask while providing service, please let your stylist or Guest Services know and we will gladly accommodate your request.
Guests should self-screen for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 before arriving at The Intaglio Salon location. If you are experiencing any symptoms such as those listed below, we will need to reschedule your appointment:
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle pain
Sore throat
New loss of taste or smell
Additionally, we will continue to use COVID-19 prevention sanitation measures.
Thank-you and be safe.
The Intaglio Salon